We know that we spend an average of 6 to 10 hours at work, mostly sitting, behind the desk. In the interest of your well-being we would like to offer you some proposals for office space management. In the standard offer we have 6 different frames for our desks. We also offer containers, racks, cabinets and meeting tables of different colors. By using different racks and colors, we can customize your work stations. Ergonomics, so important in the arrangement of the office will be possible thanks to a wide assortment of our products.
Our furniture is characterized by careful workmanship, attention to detail and endurance. We are open to all, even untypical and undersized orders and those you have not found in our offer - just send us an email with your request. We will develop a conference area, a relaxation zone, and a social corner, tailored to your specific needs and business.
We are confident that providing the right conditions, friendly atmosphere and positive attitude of our employees, thanks to our furniture, will translate into better work efficiency.